
Possibly most importantly, you probably want to know what John recommends you do on weekends. Even though most of your friends will claim they are studying 7 days a week, 10 hours a day, the following guide will suggest you give you brain (and your eyes) a rest.

As you’ll find out, John recommends you take one day completely off from studying. Studying 24/7 is not beneficial to you retaining information, no matter what your peers think.

Get outside. Go to the gym. Visit with family and friends. Do ANYTHING but study for the Bar. This separation from the exam will be refreshing and ultimately in your best long-term interests.

Don’t overdo it and burn out. A day spent away from the books gives you a chance to process the information and return well rested on Monday.

The “Weekends” section of John R. Grasso’s Bar study guide can be found here: Weekends.  Check back in the next 4 days to see John’s final tips on studying for the 2012 Bar exam.


RI Criminal lawyer John R. Grasso provides criminal defense services to Rhode Island and Massachusetts citizens who have been arrested on federal and state charges.  With a background in law enforcement the Rhode Island Law Offices of John R. Grasso provides a unique perspective to your criminal defense.

Don’t hesitate. Contact Attorney John R. Grasso today.