Have You Been Arrested on a Rhode Island Criminal Pandering Charge?
A pandering conviction can result in jail time, fines, and a criminal record.
John R. Grasso has an arsenal of legal defenses to uphold an innocent claim, or reduce pandering charges that were filed against you. Some of these include false accusations due to malice or anger. It could also be a situation of mistaken identity.
Having worked in law enforcement before, John R. Grasso is well aware of all the components of this crime.
Contact the Island law offices as soon as possible.
Definition of Pandering:
Rhode Island Code Chapter 11-34.1 defines Pandering as either:
- Using force, violence or threat to persuade or push others into prostitution
- Soliciting prostitution either in Rhode Island or in some other state
- Taking or providing money or something of value, in exchange for agreeing for someone to become a prostitute
- Retaining a portion of proceeds from commercial sexual activity
- Offering or allowing someone to reside or visit somewhere for the purposes of prostitution
- Transporting an individual from one state or place to another, for the purposes of prostitution.
Pandering is sometimes used interchangeably with the term “pimping”.
What Are the Consequences of Rhode Island Pandering Charges?
Pandering is punishable in Rhode Island by the following terms:
Pandering for the First Time– (in Rhode Island) is punishable by:
- Up to 5 years in prison, but no less than 1 year
- Up to $5,000 in fines, but no less than $2,000
Pandering with a Prior– (in Rhode Island) is punishable by:
- Up to 10 years in prison, but no less than 3 years
- Up to $10,000 in fines, but no less than $5,000
It should also be noted that those who assisted or supported someone else in pandering will face the same fines.
An aggravating factor includes when a child was involved in the pandering plot. This may subject defendants to higher fines. Your lawyer will skim through the details with you, to determine the best defense scheme.
Based on your side of the story, the evidence uncovered, and a skilled lawyer, you’ll stand a much better chance in court trials for pandering.
Contact an Aggressive Pandering Defense Attorney in Rhode Island
Exchange the details of your pandering case with a confidential and skilled attorney, who will work relentlessly to get the best outcome for your case.
John R. Grasso will seek out the particulars of each pandering accusation, to help dismiss or reduce fines.
Request a free consultation, by contacting the Rhode Island Law Offices of John R. Grasso now.