Today, we see a burgeoning embrace of all things digital, including email, cellphones, storing files on sites like Drop Box, Google Drive and more. With these advances in technology however, there has been reasonable concern about the privacy rights of everyday citizens. Are police officers allowed to search these digital file cabinets without your consent? If so, is the evidence admissible in the courtroom?
Learn more by consulting with seasoned attorney John R. Grasso, who fights to get the best outcome for privacy cases in Rhode Island.
Details on Privacy Laws
These electronic exchanges are considered to be the property of account holders. Cloud computing conversely allows law enforcement agencies to access personal and private data, without having to hold on to anything – such as a computer or cellphone for instance.
Today, there’s much ambiguity surrounding the topic of privacy laws, and every case is different. Electronic Communications Privacy Laws however protects everyday citizens from police interception, and the Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of digital privacy – where warrants will need to be in effect prior to a cellphone search –even if this is on the cloud.
Other related laws that hinges on cloud computing include:
- Protecting Businesses Using Cloud Computing – learn how to protect business’ and employees’ privacy rights when data is stored in the cloud.
- Foreign Cloud Service Provider – how does this impact law enforcement’s access to data? Find out with John R. Grasso.
- The USA Patriot Act – was signed in 2001, and generally speaking, it rules in favor of interception of electronic communication when there’s a terrorist threat looming.