As promised, here is the first portion of John R. Grasso’s Bar exam preparation guide. The most important part of preparing for the Bar exam will be ensuring you create an environment that is most conducive to studying. Distractions are best avoided. It’s only three months. You will survive.
With years of legal experience in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, Attorney John R. Grasso’s Bar exam preparation guide can be relied on for any law student looking to make their study plan more organized. Let the Rhode Island Law Offices of John R. Grasso help you as you prepare for the Bar exam in 2012.
Don’t wait until the last minute to get started with your Bar studying. Avoid the trap of mindlessly reading your outlines without a solid plan to apply what you are learning.
RI criminal defense lawyer John R. Grasso passed the bar on his first attempt, and with this study guide, he is providing a free source of insight on Bar prep for any Rhode Island or Massachusetts law student who feels they need an extra dose of structure to their study routine.
You can find the second part of John’s Bar study guide at the following link:…/
Stay tuned to this blog throughout the next two weeks to receive more updates on John’s Bar exam study plan.