Domestic Violence by the Numbers in Rhode Island

In the year 2010, Rhode Island experienced a record number of reported domestic violence victims seeking some sort of service or relief according to the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICDV).  Based on the RICDV Annual Report, 10,410 domestic violence victims sought some form of relief including shelter, transportation, transitional housing, children’s services and legal assistance.

Pulled from the RICDV Annual Report, the following figures provide statistical evidence of a handful of the domestic violence issues facing Rhode Island:

  • 10,410 individual victims of domestic violence received help in 2010
  • 573 adults and children were sheltered in emergency safe homes for a total of 20,173 nights
  • 60 adults and children lived in transitional housing
  • 3,401 victims obtained a restraining order
  • 4,387 victims of abuse were assisted by a Court Advocate in District Court
  • 4,697 victims received individual advocacy services
  • 476 clients participated in a support or educational group
  • 215 clients received clinical/counseling services
  • 81 children who witnessed domestic violence received specialized services
  • 14,913 Helpline/Hotline calls were answered

Domestic violence can encompass a variety of crimes including, assault and battery, kidnapping, sexual assault, violation of a protective order, child abuse, false imprisonment, and other violent crimes.

If you have been accused and arrested of domestic violence, or are the victim of an incident of domestic violence, it is imperative that you contact an experienced attorney immediately.

Whether your case is one of wrongful accusation, or as a victim of violent physical abuse, a criminal attorney with successful years of experience in domestic violence cases can assist you in the emotionally difficult aftermath of any domestic dispute.


For more information on domestic violence issues in Rhode Island, go to the RICDV website here.